How to create an EOS Token using EOS STUDIO & Test Network

Kevin Coutinho
3 min readJan 5, 2021

Getting started with EOS can be a task due to the scarcity of actionable resources available on the internet. Put forth is a beginner’s guide to start using the EOS Blockchain using the EOS Studio.

In EOS, tokens can be published by using the eosio.token contract. The eosio.token contract is stored in the Contract directory at the time of EOS installation. Token contracts with different functions can also be configured separately by referring to eosio.token.

There are two way to develop EOS tokens

1. Using EOS Studio

2. Command-line.

The easiest way to create tokens is by using EOS Studio.

Creating a token is a five-step process

1. Connect to a network,

2. Create an account,

3. Smart Contract Selection,

4. Compile The Contract,

5. Deploy The Contract.

1. Setup EOS local network (EOS Studio):

Network > local network > New instance > Name Your Instance > Start the Node.

2. Create Account:

- To create an account, select the EOS Studio bottom left corner key 🔑 button and create key-pairs, after that using this key-pair, your account will be created and the details for it will be displayed.

3. Setup contract:

  • Go-to Eos studio > File > system contract > eosio.token, choose network local or test and compile contract and deploy the contract in the chosen account.
  • Compile the token to create two files, ABI and WASM. ABI file is aJSON format which is a human-readable file, this ABI file contains all the smart contract action. WASM file is a machine-readable file that is actually sitting in the EOS EVM machine to process the smart contract action. In this case, it will sit in the local test network.

4. Issue Token:

- If you click on the contract file you will find the f(x) Issue function. Using this function you can issue, create, transfer, etc.

5. Create a smart contract in the EOS test net

- Create an account in the test net: we are going to use EOS official test net called . create an account, enter the name, email, and company name, password, etc.

- Click blockchain account to view account details, public and private key.

Smart contract creation in EOS TestNet:

- For creating tokens, we need to have 1. EOS studio, 2, ABI, WASM 3. Test network

- First Step: open EOS studio choose eosio.token, compile it and get the ABI and WASM file.

- Click on wasm and abi file and get the file location.

- Open TestNet > Deploy >put wasm file and abi file.

- Before deploying the contract to the account, get enough EOS Faucet to deploy the contract.

Issue Token :

- Click on the Push Action button

- Go to Smart Contract Name: put contract name or account name which is used to deploy smart contract.

- Now in Action Payload JSON need to provide a function for create tokens. A Snippet code is mentioned below,

Create Token:


“issuer”: “yxgxbkkiquak”,

“maximum_supply”: “100000 KEVIN”


Action type: Select create token. And then select Permission: Enter your developer account name and push it.

Issue Token


“to”: “account name “,

“quantity”: “value symbol “,

“memo”: “Initial Issuance”


Action type: select issue token. And then select Permission: put your deployer account name. then push.

Transfer Token:


“from”: “yxgxbkkiquak”,

“to”: “jqpkstfiimpk”,

“quantity”: “500 KEVIN”,

“memo”: “MEMO”


Now you can check the balance using EOS studio.

- Select network > Select the Account on the Account Search Bar To Check The Address

